GIS Innovation Pte. Ltd.
This one-day course provides a conceptual overview and hands-on experience using PostGIS and GeoServer.
Integrating QGIS with PostGIS and GeoServer is a powerful combination that allows participants to manage, analyze and publish spatial data efficiently.
PostGIS is a spatial extension for PostgresSQL, enabling storage and management geographic data within a relational database while GeoServer serves as a geospatial data server,
enabling the publication of data as web services using standard protocols like WMS and WFS.
QGIS integrating with PostGIS : QGIS connects to the PostGIS database, allowing users to add, edit, and analyze spatial data using QGIS desktop application.
GeoServer connects to PostGIS database and publishes spatial data as web services, making them accessible over the web. For data synchronization, changes made to PostGIS layers in QGIS are reflected in the underlying database.
GeoServer accesses the updated data when requested through its web services.
Overall, this integration streamlines data management, analysis and web publishing processes, providing a powerful and efficient solution for handling geospatial information.
PostGIS training provides a strong foundation in spatial data management and analysis, which is essential for professionals working fields.
By the end of GeoServer training program, attendees will have the skills to create web-based maps for online display.
Integrating QGIS with PostGIS and GeoServer training is for those with IT and GIS background.
More details about PostGIS...
PostGIS provides a wide range of functions and operators for spatial data analysis, including spatial queries, spatial joins, and spatial aggregation. It also supports advanced spatial analysis techniques, such as clustering, interpolation, and geostatistics.
PostGIS has many packaged installations and could be done in different ways. However, the exact steps may vary depending on your operating system and version of PostgreSQL. Learn from expert.
Learn to create a basic spatial database with the correct steps and commands.
QGIS supports a wide range of data formats, so you can load data from various sources and use it for your spatial analysis and visualization tasks.
PostGIS provides a rich set of spatial functions and operators that allow you to perform advanced spatial queries and analysis in SQL. Learn simple SQL techniques in PostGIS that you can use to work with spatial data.
Geometry querying allows you to perform complex spatial analysis and data mining tasks using SQL. Users can combine geometry functions with other SQL operators and clauses to create powerful queries that filter, aggregate, and transform spatial data.
When working with spatial data in PostGIS, it is important to be aware of the projection data and to ensure that all data sources are using the same projection. Failure to use the same projection can result in incorrect spatial analysis and visualization, as well as data loss and inaccuracies.
More details about GeoServer...
There are many ways to install GeoServer on your system. This section will discuss the various installation paths available.
The Web administration interface is a web-based tool for configuring all aspects of GeoServer, from adding data to changing service settings. In a default GeoServer installation, this interface is accessed via a web browser. Configuring user authentication and authorization, securing services, and restricting access to data.
Web GIS refers to the use of internet technologies and protocols to create, share, and consume geographic information through web-based interfaces. There are several protocols that are commonly used in web GIS applications such as WMS,WFS,WCS and TMS. We will dig more each protocol in this topic.
GeoServer layers refer to the geographic data that is served by the GeoServer software. A layer in GeoServer represents a specific set of geographic features or data that can be displayed on a map. These layers can be created from a variety of data sources, including shapefiles, PostGIS databases, and remote web services.
Each layer in GeoServer can be configured with a set of styling rules that determine how the data is displayed on the map. This includes settings for the color, opacity, and labeling of the features within the layer.
Create a simple project with GeoServer.