GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd

+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025

ArcGIS Desktop I: Getting Started with GIS

(2 days)


The ArcGIS 9.2 version of this course was titled Learning GIS Using ArcGIS Desktop.


This course provides the foundation for understanding what GIS is, what it can do, and how othersare using it. You learn the basic functions of a GIS, why a GIS database is powerful, and whatcoordinate systems and map projections are and why they are important. In course exercises, youwork with ArcMap to visualize geographic data, create maps, query a GIS database, perform spatialanalysis using common analysis tools, and solve geographic problems using a systematic approach.This course teaches the skills and knowledge needed to take other ArcGIS Desktop courses.


Topics Covered

The big picture of GIS: Basic functions of a GIS; Real-world applications.·

  • Exploring GIS maps: Defining features, layers, and data frames; Exploring map scale;Understanding the relationship between features and attributes.·
  • Exploring a GIS database: Exploring attribute tables; Identifying features; Symbolizingfeatures based on their attributes; Labeling features based on their attributes.·
  • Creating map layouts: Understanding data view and layout view; Using the Layout toolbar;Using map templates; Modifying map elements; Printing maps.·
  • Understanding location: Defining coordinate systems and map projections; Reading andfinding location coordinates on a map; Measuring area and distance on a map.·
  • Understanding raster and vector data: Representing geography; Storing real-world locations;Symbolizing rasters; Using raster and vector data together; Understanding geodatabases.·
  • Acquiring geographic data: Data formats; Methods of creating geographic data; UsingArcCatalog to explore geographic data; Using metadata.·
  • Querying data: Understanding and performing attribute queries; Understanding andperforming spatial queries.·
  • Analyzing spatial relationships: Understanding overlay; Understanding buffer; Accessing toolsin ArcToolbox; Performing Union and Intersect; Buffering features.·
  • Solving problems with GIS: Applying the geographic inquiry process; Using GIS tools to solvea geographic problem; Creating a map to show results.


Prerequisites and recommendations

Students should know how to use Windows-based software for basic file management and browsing.


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd (557976H) is a company established in Malysia in 2002 and specilazing in Geographic Information Systems.


Professional GIS training has always been our main business with GISI extensive experience and more than 10 courses in GIS which includes accredited material from companies such as Safe Software

© 2020 GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved.


E-6-17, Sunway Geo Avenue 2,

Jalan Lagoon Selatan,

Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,



Phone: +603 -5612 7025



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