GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd

+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025



We do provide services on GIS services.

GIS Training

We have been involved in several training sessions starting from General GIS training to Software training involving ArcView 3.x, ESRI's ArcGIS 8.x and 9.x, Avenue, ArcPAD, Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) and Interoperability extension for ArcGIS.


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd has developed many applications using ArcView 3.x Avenue programming language, ArcGIS' ArcObjects, ArcPAD Application Builder and Visual Basic (for VB, applications related to GIS) mainly for the Malaysian market.

Mobile GIS

GIS Innovation Sd Bhd has successfully embarked into Mobile GIS solutions using the best commercially available PDA's in the market running ESRI's ArcPAD.

Formats Conversion

For the past four years, GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd has positioned itself as a leader in data conversion in Malaysia, providing robust tools to get interoperability between systems possible

Data Integration /  Data Migration

FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data that allows you to connect and transform data between hundreds of systems. Data migration best practice s and procedures with examples\scenarios from large migrations of utility data


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd (557976H) is a company established in Malysia in 2002 and specilazing in Geographic Information Systems.


Professional GIS training has always been our main business with GISI extensive experience and more than 10 courses in GIS which includes accredited material from companies such as Safe Software

© 2020 GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved.


E-6-17, Sunway Geo Avenue 2,

Jalan Lagoon Selatan,

Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,



Phone: +603 -5612 7025



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