GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd

+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025

ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality(3 days)


The ArcGIS 9.2 version of this course was titled Introduction to ArcGIS I.


ArcGIS Desktop software is an integrated system that includes all the tools needed to get the mostout of a GIS. This course teaches the range of functionality available in the software and theessential tools for visualizing, creating, managing, and analyzing geographic data. The hands-oncourse exercises emphasize practice with ArcMap and ArcCatalog (the primary applications includedwith ArcGIS Desktop software) to perform common GIS tasks and workflows. The tools for creatingand managing geographic data, displaying data on maps in different ways, and combining andanalyzing data to discover patterns and relationships are highlighted, and you learn how ArcGISDesktop provides a complete GIS software solution. By the end of the course, you will be preparedto start working with the software on your own.


Topics Covered

  • Spatial Investigating geographic data: How geographic data is stored; Vector and rasterdata; Geodatabase basics and advantages; Shapefiles; Coverages; CAD data; Managing datain ArcCatalog; Displaying data in ArcMap; ArcMap basics; Data and layers.
  • Managing map layers: Zooming to layers; Bookmarks; Display windows; Scale ranges; Grouplayers; Selection layers; Layer files; Creating hyperlinks.
  • Symbolizing categorical data: Symbology; Choosing symbology; Types of symbols (marker,line, fill); Creating symbols.· Symbolizing quantitative data: Symbology options (graduated colors, graduated symbols,proportional symbols, dot density, charts); Classification methods (Natural Breaks, EqualInterval, Quantile, Manual); Excluding data from a classification; Rendering raster data.
  • Labeling map features: Label placement for different feature types (points, lines, polygons);Label symbology; Controlling label display using scale range and SQL query; Label classes;Label expressions; Label ranks and weights; What is annotation?; Geodatabase annotation;Map annotation.
  • Using coordinate systems and map projections: What is a coordinate system?; Geographiccoordinate systems; Datums; Projected coordinate systems; Map projections; Feature classesand coordinate systems; Data frames and coordinate systems; Geographic transformations;Working with an unknown coordinate system; Projecting data; Defining a projection.
  • Making a map layout: Working in layout view; Tools for arranging map elements; Data frameproperties for layouts; Adding legends, scale bars, and other map elements; Exporting maps;Working with map templates.
  • Managing tables: Table structure; Layer attribute tables; Nonspatial tables; Gettinginformation from tables; Field properties; Table appearance; Creating graphs and reports;Connecting tables using joins and relates; Cardinality.
  • Editing features and attributes: Reasons to edit data; Working with the Editor toolbar; Editsketches; Common editing tools; Edit tasks; Snapping to features while editing; Editingattributes; Calculating values for geometry fields; Working with coincident geometry in a maptopology; Typical editing workflow.
  • Creating geodatabases and feature classes: Types of geodatabases; Geodatabaseorganization; Feature class organization; Feature class properties and attributes; Metadata;Creating, viewing, and editing metadata; Importing and exporting metadata; Creatingfeatures in a new feature class.· Getting locations from attributes: Adding x,y coordinate data; Finding places and addresses;Finding routes and nearby places; Geocoding; Geocoding components (address table,address locator, reference data); Address matching overview; Geocoding workflow;Reference data sources.
  • Solving spatial problems with query and analysis: GIS analysis basics; Typical analysisworkflow; Common analysis operations (attribute and spatial queries, clipping data fromlayers, buffering features, overlaying features); Overview of geoprocessing; Analysis results.
  • Customizing ArcGIS Desktop: Why customize the interface?; Customize dialog box; Locatingcommands; Adding new toolbars, commands, and menus; Saving customizations;Savingcustomizations; Saving to a template; Storing templates.


Prerequisites and recommendations

Students should have completed ArcGIS Desktop I: Getting Started with GIS or Getting Started withGIS or have equivalent knowledge.


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd (557976H) is a company established in Malysia in 2002 and specilazing in Geographic Information Systems.


Professional GIS training has always been our main business with GISI extensive experience and more than 10 courses in GIS which includes accredited material from companies such as Safe Software

© 2020 GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved.


E-6-17, Sunway Geo Avenue 2,

Jalan Lagoon Selatan,

Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,



Phone: +603 -5612 7025



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