GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd

+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025

ArcGIS Desktop III: GIS Workflows &Analysis


The ArcGIS 9.2 version of this course was titled Introduction to ArcGIS II.


Understanding how and when to apply ArcGIS tools and functions is the key to creating anefficient GIS workflow. Building on the skills and knowledge taught in ArcGIS Desktop II: Toolsand Functionality, this course shows how to apply ArcGIS tools in a workflow context with a focuson working with data stored in a geodatabase and performing geoprocessing and analysis. In thecourse exercises, you organize and edit data stored in a geodatabase, prepare data for analysis,create and edit geoprocessing models using ModelBuilder, and work through a challenginganalysis project.


Topics Covered

  • Getting data into the geodatabase: Advantages of migrating data to the geodatabase; Fileand personal geodatabases; Loading and importing data; Data sources available forconversion; ArcToolbox conversion tools; Importing and exporting data in ArcCatalog;Importing and exporting data using XML; Copying and pasting data betweengeodatabases; Batch and single conversions; Loading data into existing feature classesusing the Simple Data Loader; Displaying x,y coordinate data from a table; Accessingtabular data using an OLE DB connection; Adding data from a GIS server; Working withmap projections and datums.
  • Geodatabase behavior: What is behavior?; Advantages of using behaviors; Default values;Subtypes; Domains; Geodatabase topology.
  • Editing GIS data: Creating new data (digitizing, copying and pasting features, Editor menucommands); Constructing an edit sketch using constraints (direction, length, parallel);Creating adjacent polygons using the Auto-Complete Polygon task; Modifying existingfeatures; Reshaping existing features and boundaries; Exploding multipart features; Editingusing domains, subtypes, and topology.
  • Alligning spatial data: Common data alignment problems; Georeferencing CAD data;Matching layer boundaries; Transformation; Rubber sheeting; RMS error.
  • Managing geoprocessing tools and settings: Types of toolboxes and how they are stored;Types of tools (system tools, models, scripts); Locating tools in ArcToolbox; Executing tools; Toolparameters; Parameter error detection; Environment settings; Tool layers; Geoprocessingresults.
  • Analyzing GIS data: Review of common analysis tools (Buffer, Clip, Intersect, Select,Union); Working with feature proximity tools (Near, Spatial Join, Multiple Ring Buffer,Create Thiessen Polygons); Analyzing tabular data; Creating a raster subset; Analysisoptions outside of core ArcGIS Desktop; Typical analysis workflow.
  • Using ModelBuilder for analysis: Working with ModelBuilder; Creating and designingmodels; Model elements (tools and variables); Setting general model properties; Settingmodel parameters; Environment settings; Intermediate data; Running and troubleshootinga model; Creating model documentation. NEW·
  • GIS analysis projects: Real-world GIS analysis projects (Find the best site for a newshelter, Find the mileage of flooded roads); the analytical process for each project.


Prerequisites and recommendations

Students should have completed ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality or Learning ArcGISDesktop or have equivalent knowledge.


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd (557976H) is a company established in Malysia in 2002 and specilazing in Geographic Information Systems.


Professional GIS training has always been our main business with GISI extensive experience and more than 10 courses in GIS which includes accredited material from companies such as Safe Software

© 2020 GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved.


E-6-17, Sunway Geo Avenue 2,

Jalan Lagoon Selatan,

Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,



Phone: +603 -5612 7025



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