GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd

+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025
+603 - 5612 7025

From Zero to Hero , GIS Training Using QGIS,

PostGIS, GeoServer and OpenLayers

(3 Days)

Training Description


This 3 days course is to take teach people with existing knowledge in GIS Dektop, Spatial Database and Web GIS the technoques to get from creating maps on the desktop and creating maps to be displayed on the web.

Pre-requesites : At least 2 years experience in using commercial software such as Intergraph, Esri, MapInfo.

Knowledge of how to use Apache Tomcat is recommended.


Class participants learn how to


Day 1. QGIS:

Section 1. Familiarize with QGIS Interface

Section 2:. Learn how to add Layers

Section 3:. Creating  Basic maps

Section 4:. Loading and creating Vector Data

Section 5:. Data Analysis

Section 6:. Adding Plugins to QGIS


Day 2. Postgres.PostGIS:

Section 1: Introduction to PostGIS

Section 2: Installation, different ways to Install PostGres/PostGIS

Section 3: Creating a Spatial Database

Section 4: Loading spatial data with QGIS

Section 5: Simple SQL techniques and Exercises

Section 7: Geometries querying and Exercises

Section 9: Spatial Relationships queries and Exercises

Section 12: Spatial Joins and Exercises

Section 13: Spatial Indexing

Section 14: Projecting Data

Section 15: Projection Exercises


Day 3. GeoServer and OpenLayers

Section 1: Installing GeoServer/ OpenLayers

Section 2: GeoServer Interface / Administration

Section 3: Web GIS Concepts (Protocols)

Section 4: Adding Layers

Section 5: Styling Layers on GeoServer (Introducing - uDIG)

Section 6: Final Project: From Zero to Hero - From Desktop GIS to Web GIS


Duration:  Three (3) days


Checkout here for all our GIS training schedules in Malaysia


GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd (557976H) is a company established in Malysia in 2002 and specilazing in Geographic Information Systems.


Professional GIS training has always been our main business with GISI extensive experience and more than 10 courses in GIS which includes accredited material from companies such as Safe Software

© 2020 GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved.


E-6-17, Sunway Geo Avenue 2,

Jalan Lagoon Selatan,

Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,



Phone: +603 -5612 7025



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